Ordering for employees

The UvA has an extensive range of merchandise products. These items are ideal for gifting to a colleague or relation, distributing at a work event or for giving away in a prize draw.

Are you an employee and would you like to buy or order UvA merchandise? Read how to do so below.

Would you like to make a personal purchase?

In the UvA Shop on Spui 23 you will receive a 10% discount on presentation of your employee card. For the most recent opening hours, see our homepage. Of course, it is also possible to order online, but the employee discount can't be applied there yet so keep this in mind.

Would you like to make a work-related purchase?

In that case, take a look at the collection on this website, but then mail merchandise@uva. Take into consideration that shipping times are a minimum of one week. To speed up your purchase, you can opt to pick up your items yourself in the UvA Shop on Spui 23 after confirmation of your order. See the homepage for the latest opening hours. Should you need your items in less than a week, you can also email us to discuss what faster shipping options are available (for a fee). 

Make sure to include the following information in your order:

  • Person of contact and their department
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number
  • Delivery address (if UvA, also room number)
  • Desired article(s) including colour, size and number
  • Cost centre or WBS number (costs are charged via internal allocation)
  • Reason for purchase (for example present for colleagues/relation/degree certificate etc.)

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